The G4 virus from China and the threat it poses. Yet another virus? Will corona pandemic be followed by yet another pandemic??

When we hear of swine flu, most of the us think they are talking about a single virus. But in reality, swine flu is a family of viruses which originates from pigs. One of it's members is the very notorious H1N1 virus which has caused the 2009 pandemic.
The new G4 virus is said to be a mutated form or the descendent of the H1N1 virus.

The virus is found in Pigs and humans of China. As we know the food habits of the Chinese include all the animals one can ever imagine on the  surface of mother Earth. So one won't be surprised to find pigs on the dinner plate of a Chinese. In fact, the pork consumption in China is quite high. Hence, a lot of pig farms can be found in major cities of China. The sad truth is most of the pig farms in China have been contaminated with the G4 virus. 10% of the pig farm workers, which accounts in lakhs and lakhs, have been said to have got infected with the virus. Currently the virus is spreading only from pigs to humans but scientists have warned that soon the virus may mutate and the new strain might be able to transfer from human to human and why we are alarmed? Because the possibility is high..

H1N1 virus

Some of the symptoms shown by humans are cough, fever and body pain. The present number of deaths due to this virus is unconfirmed but the Chinese govt has said that they will take measures to prevent any outbreak. The Chinese govt says that the virus can still be controlled.
The concern hover over scientists and doctors as the last outbreak of H1N1 had infected 11-21% of the world population. The number of deaths was reported to be 4-5 lakhs. Beware! The vaccine for the G4 virus is not available.
The original name of G4 virus is G4 EA H1N1.
One popular misconception is that the human body must have developed antibodies to fight againt the swine flu viruses as it's been some years since the H1N1 outbreak and we have successfully survived. But there is no such possibility as the earlier H1N1 virus is completely different from the present G4 variant.

One solution is the infected pigs of China should be killed but then most of the pigs have got infected. The pig farm industry will face huge losses. So in my opinion, the Chinese govt should intervene and announce relief package for the stressed farmers who might otherwise not kill the pigs for fear of huge losses.
The second thing is the Chinese govt should not repeat it's mistake and be more transparent regarding the G4 virus.


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